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We connect people that are looking for roommates. Whether you have a room to offer, looking for a room, or want to partner with someone to find a place of your own.

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We strive to make the roommate search a fun, fast and safe experience that results in you living in harmony with someone that was once a stranger.

Diggz covers all your basis. Find rooms for rent, roommates to fill your empty room, or partner up with someone to find a new place of your own. Diggz is a free service that connects you to like-minded prospective roommates with similar lifestyle attributes and preferences, served on a safe, scammer and sketch free platform.

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The Roommate Marketplace.

Room together. Room better.
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Seattle | Tacoma| Redmond| Bellevue| Kirkland| Olympia| SeaTac| Tukwila| Burien| Kent | Shoreline| Everett| and more

"We loved using Diggz to find our roommate! The whole system was super easy to use and we connected with lots of like minded people. After searching for a bit, we finally found someone we clicked with. Thanks so much! "
"The only option I knew of to search for roommates was craigslist, and after several disappointing and stressful experiences, I stumbled upon Diggz. Diggz made it super easy for me to find my roommate."
Rebecca M

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A.I. and human vetted profiles. We keep the scammers out, and allow real people to connect safely on our platform with secure in-app messaging. 
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